The Real Twang
The Real Twang was built for my personal collection. I was interested in building a "335 Style" guitar with some old school charm. Our game room is decorated in Coca-Cola memorabilia and my growing guitar collection was getting too big for my wife's liking. The compromise was this classic look that can be displayed with the collection. Featuring a vibrato tremolo and a pair Guitar Heads Conversion P90 pups, this baby plays as smooth as it looks.
The Real Twang
The Real Twang
The Real Twang
The Real Twang
The Real Twang
The Real Twang
The Real Twang
The Real Twang
The Real Twang
The Real Twang
The Real Twang
The Real Twang
The Real Twang
The Real Twang
The Real Twang
The Real Twang